Graysby & Azure vase sponge

Graysby & Azure vase sponge



Common Name: Graysby

Scientific name: Cephalopholis cruentata

Description: Easily recognizable due to their maroon spots, and tan or bluish body accentuated by three small black spots near its dorsal fin, the graysby, grows to 16 inches in length. They are primarily found in the Caribbean, live up to 12 years and feed on other fish and crustaceans in ambush style.

Fun Facts:

- These fish like to rest in vase sponges during the day and are active in the reef at night circling the same area repeatedly

- They work alongside eels to get food! The eel is able to squeeze into tight crevices pushing out prey the graysby would otherwise have no access to and thus benefitting from the relationship with the eel.


Common Name: Azure vase sponge

Scientific name: Callyspongia plicifer

Description: Similarly shaped to a vase, this species of sponges grows up to 27 cm tall and about 13.5 cm in diameter. They can appear pink to purple and can fluoresce light blue. Like all sponges they filter feed and are generally solitary organisms. These sponges prefer to grow along a hard surface such as a wall on a reef.

Fun Facts: This sponge can serve as a place of protection for reef inhabitants such as the graysby fish!