About Randall

Photography has been my profession for over twenty years, but it has been my passion for nearly forty. For the last fourteen years, I have worked as a staff photographer for the Sacramento Bee Newspaper. As a staffer at the bee my photos have documented a rich and diverse cross-section of life in northern California. I have photographed the BBA, NFL, PGA and WBC; Stephen Hawking, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elton John, and the Pope; surgeons, teachers, cops, and murderes. I have shot from helicopters, inside tiger cages, in water caves, and on movie sets. I live in the small Sierra Foothills town of El Dorado with my wife Darlene, and together, we have traveled the world. We are both avid SCUBA dives and she appears in several photos in the "Underwater" gallery. IVe been a certified scuba diver since 1972, and in 2007 I began to seriously explore underwater photography.