Spotted Scorpionfish

Spotted Scorpionfish


Scientific name: Scorpaena Plumieri

Description: Scorpionfish on average are 7 to 14 inches in length. Their bodies are adorned with splotches of browns, blacks and red while their fins have bright yellow, purple, black and white coloration. They have fleshy outgrowths and skin flaps that help the scorpionfish camouflage within the rocky bottom and reef. Scorpionfish lie still and wait for other fish to swim by unaware and open their large mouth to viciously suck in prey. They have well-defined spines that contain venomous glands to ward-off predators from consuming them.

Fun Facts:

- Scorpionfish spend so much time on the bottom their swim bladder is atrophied and therefore they are unable to swim!

- It can change its skin color to a bright red as a warning to predators that he is in fact toxic!