Peacock Flounder

Peacock Flounder


Scientific Name: Bothus Lunatus

Description: The peacock flounder has large eyes both only on the left side of its head. The body is flat horizontally and is brown generally with light blue circles decorating the top. They can grow up to 18 inches in length and like feed during the day mostly eating octopi, small fish and crustaceans. The peacock flounder is primarily found at depths of about 66 feet in coral reefs lying in the sandy bottom. They cover themselves with sand leaving only their eyes uncovered and lie waiting for prey to swim by and then strike suddenly in an ambush attack.

Fun Facts:

- It can change the color of it’s skin to match the background to hide from predators!

- When it’s a baby, the flounder has eyes on both sides of it’s face but as it grows one eye will move over to the other side so that both eyes are on the same side