Common octopus

Common octopus


Scientific name: Octopus vulgaris

Description: Found worldwide, the octopus is an unusual looking creature with 8 arms, a beak for a mouth and its head physiologically lying underneath its stomach. They only grow up to 36 inches in length. Octopuses tend to hide within rocky crevices or crawl around the reef slowly while actively camouflaging. They enjoy feeding on crabs and molluscs. Octopuses have three strategies for protecting its soft vulnerable body from predators: first camouflage, second, appear larger by inflating their body while changing to a white coloration with black outline, and last, flee after inking your enemy.

Fun Facts:

- Octopuses have no skeleton or other hard structures inside their bodies aside from their beak. Therefore, they are able to squeeze their entire body through a hole the size of said beak!

- They have three hearts! One for the body and the other two for the gills.

- Although they are color blind, they are still able to match their skin color to the same color as their background!

- Their arms have suckers with the ability to grasp 35 lbs each and also the ability to taste anything they touch!

- The common octopus has the ability to camouflage by controlling the chromatophores, or pigment cells on its skin directly. They are able to match not only in color to the encompassing background but also in texture. They have papillae or hydrostatic skin which can be shaped through fluids within its body.

- Lastly, ctopuses are possibly the most intelligent invertebrates in existence. They are able to learn quickly how to open jars and complete other amazing tasks even though they only live for 2 years!