Christmas tree worm

Christmas tree worm


Scientific name: Spirobranchus giganteus

Description: The Christmas tree worm, named for its beautiful feather-like plumes, inhabits tropical coral reefs. These tube-dwelling worms burrow into coral and create a calcareous tube to protect and cover their body when in danger. Any sort of movement or shadow will cause the plumes to fold into their tube. These worms are some of the most recognizable species in the ocean and come in many colors including orange, blue, white and yellow. The plumes are important for feeding and respiration. The worm filters food such as phytoplankton using its feathery appendages.

Fun Fact:

a. The christmas tree worm is sedentary, in other words, it will not move from a location once it has found it to be a suitable habitat.

b. You can find both male and female christmas tree worms!