Crown-of-thorns sea star

Crown-of-thorns sea star


Scientific name: Acanthaster planci

Description: The crown-of-thorns, named after its long spines, can have more than seven arms and have been observed with up to twenty-three. The spines are venomous and therefore primarily used for protection. Although normally they prefer to eat the fastest growing corals, if there’s an outbreak in their population, each star can wipe out a very large area of coral causing a decline in coral reefs. The humphead wrasse, the triton snail, and the pufferfish are some of the star’s predators. The crown-of-thorns is commonly found in Indo-Pacific reefs.

Fun Facts:

- Crown-of-thorns outbreaks tend to happen cyclically every 17 years devouring up to 90% of coral in their area!

- A single starfish can consume an area of coral the size of a dinner plate every night!